
Where does one go from there, from that rather disheveled attempt at a political statement? I won't redact it, nor retract it. The asshole concern is real and impactful; it needs to be called out on a regular basis. I will reexamine the issue and reconnect with it in a future link in this series.

For the moment, I will proceed with this, an amplification of the fence image I posted on the home page. This is a concatenation of its own.

These are records of four visits in October. I'm not making a meteorological or quantitative study of any sort. I'm more inspired by Monet's haystacks. I love how this homely fence provides a screen for light, color, and the lake. I love how visiting the fence goes hand in hand with walking around Harriet. It's a landmark along the ritual circumambulation. Various times of day inform the final image; again, I'm not making a scientific study, so one can ferret out clues from the evidence. If you want to do that. I'm enjoying the simple experience of taking in the views.