"When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another... "

I am borrowing that Declarative language to reintroduce this independent space for writing and observations about my life in and around photography. The blog is titled "re:photographica"--as such it references photographic matters at all turns. 

I also feel increasingly compelled to weave "real" life into the discussion. Such is our mandate as visual artists engaging with the world. My own socio-political bands have been loosening over the years, in line with the slats and cables in the snow fence above. But I feel more connected to the people of my community, not less, and I want to call rightful attention to accomplishment.

I will also take the occasional opportunity to call out dysfunctions of our creative ecosystem as I have encountered them over my four-plus decades in the field.

I pursue the "re:photographica" enterprise in tribute to those doing the good and hard work of living with the compulsion to engage images. You have my utmost respect, and I join you in the pursuit.